Florida HIE Network

Centralis Health has worked closely with Florida HIE Network participants to reduce the use of fax technology across programs. 

  • We executed the implementation of electronic laboratory reporting (ELR) for COVID-19 test results. The overwhelming number of results are currently reported by facsimile. With the implementation of ELR for Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Kentucky, Centralis Health has significantly reduced the amount and frequency of faxing for our participants and the states.  
  • We provided a "universal" secure link, which provides a one-page fax that gives the recipient the option to electronically download submissions rather than endure the time and expense of paper fax, especially in the transfer of large page-count faxes on carrier networks. 
  • We created a Desktop Client connected to the EHR-neutral cloud-based electronic exchange service, which provides users with the ability to manage, edit, sign, and archive "fax images" (PDFs) electronically rather than by printing out paper and rescanning. 
  • In two Florida communities, we reduced faxing by hundreds of thousands of pages per month – about 40% of the pre-existing faxing. This percentage is only limited by the number of participants within the communities and not by the cloud-based electronic exchange application capacity. Based on current electronic-to-electronic communications and participant page counts, Centralis Health estimates these communities generated over 12 million fax pages per year prior to the adoption of Centralis Health’s integrated solution. While developing this unique technology over the last decade was challenging, driving provider adoption remains the largest hurdle.

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